My Personal Blog


A Lifelong Learner's Teaching Journey

Challenge yourself; it is the only path that leads to growth. --Morgan Freeman

 Blog Posts

The Beginning of It All

The 1st Blog Post

Open Educational Resources

Another Look

       Wakelet...Wake Up!        Where Have I Been

A Curation Platform


Communicating Our Learning

Screencast 101

Key Principles of Personalized Learning

How to Build Community in an Online Classroom

Relationships Matter

Digital Citizenship

The Do"s More Than the Don'ts

Exploring Learning Management Systems

Canvas LMS

Creating a Digital Toolbox

What is the best choice for your students?

Digital Toolbox for Engagement and Communication

What is the best choice for your students and families?

Assessment and Evaluation in an Online Teaching Environment

What is the best choice for your students and you?

Universal Design for Learning: The Future of Education

How do we create lessons that remove barriers for students in the learning process?

Differences Between In-Person and Online Teaching

How to transition using better communication techniques.

Online Assessments for Kindergarten Students

Where to go to find tools to help create authentic online assessments

Diversity in the Online Classroom

What Aspects Affect Your Students?

Moving Face-to-Face Content Online

What changes need to be made to meet students' needs?

Formative and Summative Assessments

What elements are important for kindergarten students when planning assessments?

Virtual Reality in Kindergarten

What is available for an online environment?

Instructional Design

What is instructional design look 

for a kindergarten teacher?

Creating an Instructional Design Model

The ABCDEF Model

Needs, Task, and Learner Analysis

Collecting data before designing a unit or course 

Instructional Design Strategies

Using connected learning strategy i

n an online classroom 

Visual Design Principles for Online Learning

Creating a visually appealing course that engages students in the learning content 

Evaluating Instruction Design

What must courses include?

My Journey

What I have learned along the way!

What Does Artificial Intelligence in Kindergarten Look Like?

Is it relavant in their livess?

Barriers to Innovation

How can we remove them?

Qualities of an Effective School Change Leader

Communication, Collaboration, and Commitment

What is the TPACK Framework?

Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK)

Benefits of Augmented Reality

How can educators use AR to benefit students?

VR in the Primary Classroom

How can educators use VR to benefit primary students?

Digital Storytelling in Kindergarten

How can educators use digital storytelling  to motivate and engage kindergarteners?

The End of An Educational Journey

What have I accomplished on this road?